plant knowledge

Everything you need to know about plant care and growth.


The pothos plant (Epipremnum) is a popular houseplant - it is particularly valued for its heart-shaped leaves and its easy care. Originally from the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, Australia...

A leaf

The single sheet is also called the peace lily in German and comes from the tropics. It belongs to the Araceae family and there are about 60 different species. The...

String of hearts

The string of hearts plant (Ceropegia woodii) is a charming succulent whose long, up to 2 meter long strands are adorned with small, green and white patterned heart-shaped leaves. It originally...


There are many different types of ferns, for planting in the garden and as houseplants in pots. The sword fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) is often kept as a houseplant and belongs...

golden fruit palm

The golden fruit palm (Dypsis lutescens) belongs to the palm family (Arecaceae). The popular indoor plant from Madagascar is also called the Areca palm and has elongated leaf fronds, all...

aloe vera

The aloe plants, which originate from Africa and Arabia, belong to the asphodel family (Asphodelaceae) and are known for their fleshy, serrated leaves arranged in rosettes, from which a gel...

elephant foot

The most popular species of elephant's foot for indoor cultivation are Beaucarnea recurvata and Beaucarnea stricta. The plant, which comes from the asparagus family (Asparagaceae), originally comes from Mexico and...


There are thousands of species of orchids (Orchidaceae) because they grow almost everywhere in the world, especially in the subtropics and Asia. In Europe they are considered the most popular...

9-16 of 20 articles