The nutrients that are vital for plants can be divided into two groups: main nutrients (macronutrients) and trace elements (micronutrients). Don't forget oxygen, hydrogen and carbon as the essential basis for the growth of your plants.
Oxygen (O) | Plants need oxygen for their cellular respiration and to supply the cells with energy. |
Hydrogen (H) | Plants need water for the process of photosynthesis and as a means of transporting plant nutrients and metabolic products. |
Carbon (C) | Plants use carbon as building material for their cells. It is therefore essential for the construction of biomass, i.e. leaves, wood, roots and fruits. |

Main nutrients (aka macronutrients)
The main nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Plants need these elements in larger quantities.
Nitrogen (N) | Nitrogen is an important building block for the growth of plants and is necessary for photosynthesis and therefore intensive leaf green. It is also required for the production of proteins as well as enzymes and DNA from plants. |
Phosphorus (P) | Phosphorus is important for the entire metabolism of plants and is required for the formation of flowers, seeds and fruits. It is also important for healthy growth, especially root growth and the formation of leafy greens. |
Potassium (K) | Potassium is necessary for regulating the water balance and increases the frost resistance and drought resistance of plants. It ensures strengthened cell tissue and improves the formation of carbohydrates. Potassium promotes the development of roots and tubers as well as the development of aromas in fruits and vegetables. |
Calcium (Ca) | Calcium deacidifies the soil and ensures good aeration of the soil. The availability of other nutrients is improved by sufficient calcium intake. Stomata in leaves are regulated, cell membranes are strengthened and cell division is stimulated. It promotes natural resistance to disease attacks. |
Magnesium (Mg) | Magnesium plays an important role in the formation of leaf green, also called chlorophyll. Furthermore, it is essential for regulating the water balance of plants and for the formation of proteins. |
Sulfur (S) | Sulfur is used to build proteins and cell membranes within plants. It is involved in many metabolic processes and, as a component of special compounds, renders heavy metals harmless and protects plants from insect damage. |

Trace elements (aka micronutrients)
The trace elements include: iron, copper, zinc, chlorine, manganese, boron and molybdenum. Plants require smaller amounts of these nutrients, but they are still important for healthy plant growth.
Copper (Co) | Copper is required as an important component of enzymes for photosynthesis. It is also necessary for the stabilization of cell walls and supports the lignification of plant parts and the formation of buds and seeds. |
Manganese (Mn) | Manganese plays a large role in oxygen production in plants, influences root growth and helps heal damaged leaves. It activates certain enzymes, influences energy balance and is part of important metabolic functions. |
Zinc (Zn) | Zinc is essential for the development of proteins and the activation of enzymes. Zinc is necessary for the development of leaves, pollen and seeds. It also affects the growth of plants. |
Iron (Fe) | Iron is involved in photosynthesis and the production of leafy greens. It is important for the formation of seeds and buds in plants. |
Boron (B) | Boron is responsible for the transport of carbohydrates and the synthesis of protein. It helps develop and stabilize cell membranes. The growth of plants is promoted by stimulating cell division. |
Molybdenum (Mo) | Molybdenum is necessary for the activation of enzymes and enzyme metabolism. |
Chlorine (Cl) | Chlorine is an important component for the splitting of water during photosynthesis. In addition, chlorine is necessary for osmotic regulation within plants and is therefore essential for a functioning water balance. Chlorine can help plants overcome diseases. |

Due to the continuous absorption of important plant nutrients via the roots, they are eventually used up from the soil in the pot. The first fertilization usually has to be carried out 4 weeks after repotting your houseplant to ensure constant development of your plant.
You can often recognize symptoms of a nutrient deficiency on the leaves of your houseplant, for example discoloration of the leaf veins and tips. To prevent deficits and stunted growth from occurring in the first place, you should fertilize regularly.