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There are thousands of species of orchids (Orchidaceae) because they grow almost everywhere in the world, especially in the subtropics and Asia. In Europe they are considered the most popular houseplant, especially the hybrids, i.e. crosses, of the butterfly orchid (Phalaenopsis) are widespread. They are considered to have multiple shoots and should only be pruned carefully after they have faded; a new flower can grow. Orchids of the lady's slipper variety (Paphiopedilum) are considered to have a single shoot; after the flowers have faded, the stem must be cut off so that a new one can grow. The buds of the orchids grow upright and bend down as soon as they start to bloom. The orchid blooms almost all year round. There are flowers of different sizes, colors and shapes. The long flower stalks should grow on a pole, otherwise they will snap off. Orchids usually have between two and six oval-shaped leaves, which should be sprayed with water regularly. Special soil for orchids should be used for indoor culture and a bright location should be selected. They need little water, but prefer to be dipped in water with the pot rather than watered. Despite its popularity, the orchid is not easy to care for. Most species are non-toxic to humans and pets.

Do you want your orchids to have an intense green leafy color and lots of large leaves? Then we recommend our special fertilizer: FARBIO® Nitrogen Bio-Boost .