Fertilizing indoor plants: areas of application for FARBIO® fertilizers

Zimmerpflanzen düngen: Anwendungsbereiche der FARBIO® Dünger - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

We at FARBIO® have decided on smaller fertilizer sizes because we can finally create a high-quality fertilizer that is also useful for users who only need to care for a handful of plants. You no longer have to buy a universal fertilizer for all plants or use home remedies that don't work, but you can buy smaller sizes that are specifically tailored to the plants and thus have maximum effects. FARBIO® speaks out against the waste of raw materials, which is why we want consumers to only be able to buy what they can actually use. Here we introduce you to some areas of application of our product innovations and explain what you should consider when fertilizing houseplants!

When and how often should houseplants receive fertilizer?

Our organic fertilizers can be used all year round. We recommend fertilizing once a week from March to October and once a month from November to February. Do you have to fertilize houseplants in winter? Yes, but the frequency varies depending on the type of plant and whether it is dormant in winter. FARBIO® organic liquid fertilizers can be used throughout your plant's entire growth period.

Apply fertilizer for houseplants

You can simply add all of our complete nutrient fertilizers to the irrigation water and then be absorbed into the soil by the roots of your plants. You can find the exact number of drops or milliliters on the products and in our shop. You can easily mix our FARBIO® leaf fertilizers with water in a spray bottle and then spray directly over the foliage of your plant. The advantage: No nutrients are lost in the soil because they are absorbed through the leaves.

Image with houseplants collection What nutrients do houseplants need: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements

But what nutrients do houseplants need? The nutrients required by plants can be divided into two groups: main nutrients (macronutrients) and trace elements (micronutrients). Don't forget oxygen, hydrogen and carbon as the essential basis for the growth of your plants.

The main nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Plants need these elements in larger quantities - they are often contained in fertilizer.

The trace elements include: iron, copper, zinc, chlorine, manganese, boron and molybdenum. Plants require smaller amounts of these nutrients, but they are still important for healthy plant growth.

The most important nutrients for rapid growth of your houseplant

For healthy growth, it is important that the plant has ideal conditions and optimal conditions Nutrient supply You can often only achieve this with fertilization. Slow-growing plants can develop leaf mass more quickly by applying fertilizer. Our liquid fertilizers with basic nutrients offer the essential nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. But you can also ensure sufficient availability of all other nutrients with our special fertilizers, as the lack of these substances will otherwise limit the growth of your plant.

Plant fertilizer

Organic and mineral plant fertilizers in comparison

There are different fertilizers - they differ in form, origin and ingredients. The range ranges from solid fertilizer sticks, to home remedies such as coffee grounds and eggshells, which can be used to fertilize house plants, and liquid fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are made from natural ingredients and are a good choice for houseplants. They are gentle on the environment as they are free of chemical-synthetic substances and are therefore safe for people and animals. Through an optimal composition of organic components, the nutrient needs of the houseplant are sustainably met. They are considered more of a long-term fertilizer because they release active ingredients over a longer period of time.

Basic supply: Good fertilizers contain NPK

Complete fertilizers contain the essential active ingredients NPK and thus promote the growth of the plant. Mineral fertilizers consist of artificially produced inorganic substances - the risk of over-fertilization and resulting root damage is significantly higher because the nutrients are in the form of salts. Mineral fertilizers can be absorbed more quickly and are available directly to plants. However, if they come in the form of fertilizer sticks, the nutrients must first be transported to the roots of the plant. The environmentally friendly alternative is organic liquid fertilizers - the fertilizers work quickly and release the nutrients to the plant as needed. In order to properly fertilize green plants, you should pay attention to the individual needs depending on the type of plant.

Foliar fertilizer

Fertilize houseplants for strong roots

Only a healthy plant has strong root growth. A suitable soil substrate is essential, as is a sufficient one Nutrient supply . If you are fighting against waterlogging, which damages the roots of your plant, we recommend our FARBIO® leaf fertilizers , which can supply your plants with nutrients without having to water the soil substrate. This way you support the healthy growth of the roots.

Liquid fertilizer for flowers and fruits

In order for plants to produce larger flowers, they should be fertilized regularly and in a suitable location. In order to give the plant enough strength to produce flowers and fruits, sufficient potassium must be added to the soil and fertilized regularly! When using liquid fertilizers, the advantage is the quick effect: Nutrients quickly reach the roots through the substrate and are absorbed directly when the plant needs them to form flowers.

Houseplant fertilizer for reduced plant stress

Both biotic and abiotic factors can cause your plant to experience stress and therefore grow less or show other symptoms of stress. Applying fertilizer provides your plants with nutrients and makes them more resistant to stress, including pests and diseases.

Withered leaves

Avoid over-fertilizing when fertilizing houseplants

Over-fertilization with organic active ingredients is almost impossible. Nevertheless, the topic of fertilizing is very complex and you should stick to the dosage on the packaging and fertilize houseplants correctly. You can tell if your houseplants are over-fertilized if the leaves curl upwards from the edges. If dosed incorrectly, the edges of the leaves can turn brown.

Recognizing deficiency symptoms: Should you fertilize your plant again?

Have you not fertilized for a long time? This becomes apparent after a while when a deficiency occurs - then it is high time to use a fertilizer for houseplants. Most houseplants need more fertilizer, especially in the growth phase from March to October. In the cold season, however, you should give your plant less fertilizer.

When a plant's older leaves turn yellow, it is often a sign of a nitrogen deficiency. A lack of phosphorus leads to reddish to black discoloration. A lack of potassium causes plants to wilt despite sufficient water supply. Discoloration of the leaf edges occurs. If there is a magnesium deficiency, the older leaves turn yellow and the veins initially remain green. If there is a zinc deficiency, young leaves turn yellow from the tip. A lack of iron and manganese leads to a yellowish color in young leaves, but the veins remain green for the time being. A lack of calcium is visible as brown spots on new leaves. If plants get too little copper, the young leaves curl. Old ones remain dark green.

What else do houseplants need?

Sufficient water is essential for the preservation of plants, which is why our FARBIO® spray bottle should not be missing when supplying your plants. Many tropical plants need high humidity, which we can only achieve by regularly spraying the leaves. The pH value of the soil is important for houseplants because if it is not optimally adjusted to their needs, it can inhibit nutrient absorption.

You can find more tips on plant care in this video.