5 popular Anthurium varieties at a glance

5 beliebte Anthurien Sorten im Überblick - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Often referred to as its glossy spiked flowers, the flamingo flower has also gained popularity as a houseplant for its large, impressive foliage. They are available in variations with various colored flowers and leaves of different shapes - we present the popular Anthuriums here!

Anthurium (flamingo flower) presented

The anthurium, also known as flamingo flower, comes in a variety of shapes and colors, making it a diverse genus within the aroid family (Araceae) with around 1000 different species. It comes from Central and South America and is considered a tropical plant. There are also several varieties of the plant with bracts of a variety of colors - from white and pink to purple, red and even black. What they all have in common is their evergreen, decorative leaves. The beautiful bracts are also sold as cut flowers.

Different shapes & colors

The leaves are either basal or alternate and are traversed by a continuous leaf vein. They are covered with a thick layer of wax and differ significantly depending on the species. For example, there are heart-shaped, teardrop-shaped and sword-shaped leaves, and variegation is also common. The special flower of the Anthurium consists of a bulb, which is located in the middle of special bracts. The flowering period is from May to June, but some types of houseplants flower all year round.

The most beautiful Anthurium varieties

Anthurium crystallinum

The Anthurium crystallinum is characterized by its dark green leaves with showy white veins out. Initially, the heart-shaped foliage can be tinged purple before turning green as they grow in size. Although its flower is rather inconspicuous, this species is extremely decorative due to its large leaves.


Anthurium andreanum

Anthurium andraeanum is the best-known species and popular because of its colorful and large flowers - the leaves are rather inconspicuous. The individual spathes can grow up to 25 cm. The wide, heart-shaped perianths, which have a glossy, varnish-like appearance, come in light pink to dark red. A special variety is the Anthurium andreanum livium red, its flower is red and white variegated!

Anthurium Red

Anthurium forgetii

This flamingo flower is also cultivated for its beautiful foliage. In this type, these are round and tapered at the bottom - either with white Veins or also inconspicuous green.

Small Anthurium

Anthurium scherzerianum

The Anthurium scherzerianum is also called Pigtail Anthurium, because the piston in the bract is not straight, but curved in a spiral.

Anthurium Pigtail

Anthurium luxurians

The leaves of this Anthurium variety are almost leathery in appearance and have a heavily serrated pattern reminiscent of a diamond. These are usually dark in color, ranging from dark red or purple to almost black. The stems are usually rather short.


Tip for Anthurium care

If the supply of nutrients to the flamingo flowers is insufficient, it can lead to fewer or even no flowers being formed. For this reason, it is necessary to fertilize the anthurium regularly to ensure an adequate supply of all main and micronutrients. Our FARBIO® organic fertilizer for green plants supports the development of lush green leaves and magnificent flowers.

It needs water about every 10 days, but can also be watered about once a week in summer. Partial shade is best, it cannot stand full sun. You should repot your indoor plants at least every two years. Anthuriums prefer a loose substrate. The FARBIO® glass spray bottle is particularly suitable for spraying the leaves of your anthurium with water and thus ensuring a high level of humidity.

Grow Anthuriums

There are two simple techniques you can use to propagate your flamingo flower: division and cuttings. Many Anthuriums will grow multiple plants from the same pot over time. By carefully dividing the mother plant, you can create multiple clones.

When propagating cuttings , you simply cut off a piece of the shoot and put it in a glass of water for rooting or directly in a new pot with plant substrate. This piece must have at least one knot.