How fruit trees beautify your home

Wie Fruchtbäume Deine Wohnung verschönern - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

When you think of indoor plants, the first thing that comes to mind is the classics such as the monstera plant or the yucca palm.

However, you can not only bring the rainforest into your home, but also plants with a Mediterranean flair can enrich the living room - and that doesn't mean the basil in the kitchen. Fruit trees like lemons or figs transform your living area into a little piece of the Amalfi Coast and only need a little finesse to thrive.

Whether lemon, clementine or kumquat - citrus plants are real classics among indoor trees. Extra orangeries were built as early as the Baroque period so that these non-hardy plants could also be admired in this country.

Luckily, you don't have to build a special greenhouse, because a sunny window position or some support from a plant light is all you need. A great advantage of citrus plants is that there are many self-pollinating species. That means you can watch the fruits grow in your home without any bees or other helpers.

But even without fruit, these trees are a highlight. They usually bloom several times a year and spread a pleasant smell through the whole apartment!

fruit tree

The care requires only a little finesse. Citrus plants should be watered when the soil is mostly dry again. The best way to do this is to press a finger into the soil a little and check whether there is still moisture. If this is the case, you can wait a little longer before watering. How often you actually have to water also depends on the size of the plant and the nature of the substrate.

In addition, citrus trees need to be fertilized regularly. You can add liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water about every three weeks from spring to autumn. It is best to use special citrus fertilizer. Which citrus plant is suitable for you is purely a matter of taste, because there are hardly any differences in care. Incidentally, the situation is very similar with fig trees. So if you dare to grow a citrus plant, a fig would be a nice addition! Unlike lemons, which keep their leaves all year round, figs can lose their leaves in winter, depending on the species. But don't worry, next spring they will shine again in all their glory!

Important for fruit trees: If you want to process the fruit, you should definitely use fertilizer that is suitable for use with food. Our FARBIO® organic fertilizer for fruit plants supports your plants with essential and high-quality nutrients, which are required for healthy plant growth and intensive fruit and flower formation. Of course completely harmless for consumption! Even in the event of a possible pest infestation, care must be taken to treat the plants only with biological agents. If you are not quite sure how your little tree has already been treated, then it should stay with the eye candy.

Have a look at our plants AZ . There you will find other types of plants for your living room and care tips.