
Zimmerpflanzen für Anfänger: Unsere Tipps & Tricks zur Pflanzenpflege - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Houseplants for beginners: Our tips & tricks for plant care

Caring for plants is not difficult and can be done naturally with our organic liquid fertilizers. Because it's so easy, here's our universal guide to green thumbs, but your plant's needs may vary d...

Extraflorale Nektarien: Deshalb könnte Deine Pflanze klebrige Blätter haben - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Extrafloral nectaries: This is why your plant might have sticky leaves

Is your plant getting leaves that stick? If you can't see any pests on the stem, under or on the foliage, then the cause could be extrafloral nectaries! Discover why plants produce nectar and how ...

Monstera Pflanze retten & Tipps zur Pflege - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Saving Monstera Plants & Care Tips

Do any of your Monsteras break? A care error is often to blame! In this article we will show you exactly what you can do about it. This means that your tropical houseplant suddenly becomes very ea...

Pflanzen stärken und die Abwehrkräfte mit natürlichen Mitteln aktivieren - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Strengthen plants and activate the body's defenses with natural means

Why should you strengthen your plants? Robust plant defenses are crucial to plant health. They are constantly threatened by various harmful organisms such as insects, fungi and bacteria: a stron...

Palmendünger: Die wichtigsten Nährstoffe für Deine Pflanze & Tipps zum Palmen düngen - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Palm fertilizer: The most important nutrients for your plant & tips for fertilizing palm trees

Why is fertilizing important? Just like us humans, plants need nutrients to grow and develop healthily. Fertilization is an essential process that ensures that our plants receive the necessary n...

Pilzkrankheiten an Pflanzen vorbeugen, erkennen und bekämpfen - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Preventing, detecting and combating fungal diseases on plants

What is a fungal disease? Plant fungal diseases are infectious diseases caused by different types of fungi that can affect many types of plants. Fungi are microorganisms that settle on or in pla...

Botanische Pflanzennamen endlich verstehen - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Finally understanding botanical plant names

There's no getting around botanical plant names: the scientific names for plants were developed by the botanist Carl von Linné (1707-1778). Because he wanted to ensure a uniform classification of ...

Was sind Langzeitdünger und ihre Vorteile? - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

What are slow-release fertilizers and their benefits?

If you want a beautiful, lushly flowering garden or healthy, fast-growing houseplants, you have to provide the plants with balanced nutrition in the form of fertilizer. Slow-release fertilizers of...

Exotische Zimmerpflanzen: Besondere Pflanzen für Deine Einrichtung entdecken - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Exotic houseplants: Discover special plants for your interior

Are you missing that certain something in your own four walls? Exotic indoor plants are a real eye-catcher and not without reason very popular. Everyone knows and loves the window leaf (Monstera ...

Blattläuse an Zimmerpflanzen bekämpfen und vorbeugen - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Control and prevent aphids on indoor plants

Unfortunately, indoor plants are susceptible to various pests, and one of the most common and annoying is the aphid. In this blog article you will learn how to prevent aphid infestation and fight ...

Biostimulanzien - Vorteile für Pflanzen erklärt - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Biostimulants - benefits for plants explained

Biostimulants are already widely used in (organic) agriculture and are now also attracting increased attention in the world of houseplants. Because they promote growth and help to keep the plants h...

Cannabis Dünger: Deine Pflanze düngen für mehr Ertrag - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Cannabis Fertilizer: Fertilize your plant for more yield

Growing cannabis requires a professional approach to get the best yield. Plants require a balanced mix of nutrients for successful flowering and ultimately a high-quality end product. One of the mo...

Bodenverbesserung - Tipps für Zimmerpflanzen und Garten - FARBIO® - Nachhaltige Bio-Flüssigdünger aus Hamburg

Soil improvement - tips for indoor plants and garden

Healthy soil forms the basis for successful plant growth. Whether it's indoor plants, on the balcony or in the garden - soil improvement can be crucial to create optimal conditions for root growth....